Allow me to introduce you to Recca. He's not your stereotypical school-kid. Even at 17 years old he wonders how he made it so long. Recca is both blessed and cursed. He was born with a genius IQ and the ability to see the "Big Picture". He can understand even the hardest concepts with only little amounts of instruction. He even finishes what the teachers will say in his head almost 30 seconds before them. All that seems great until you notice the "Big Picture". In the "Big Picture", Recca saw a human race doomed to self-destruction. It began a seething hatred in him. "How can they possibly do this to someone of their own kind?" often flows through his head. That and the idea that humans destroy even some of the most beautiful things in nature. It just ruined all hope he had for the human race's future. At a young age, Recca realized that your just born to die. He realized that everyone, including him, has a timer set on their life that is ticking down second by second. He tries desperately to have fun in the time he has left. In Grade 2 Recca was subjected to vicious attacks of bullying until about Grade 5. This caused him to go to counselling and psychiatry for Suicidal Feelings, Deep Depression and Anger Management Issues. From then his life led rather normally until about the beginning of Grade 10. There, after accidently cutting himself with a razor in Science 10 Enriched, he realized he enjoyed the feeling of his own skin ripping and tearing apart. This caused a downward trend in his life. He continued to cut himself just for the enjoyment. At the beginning of Grade 11 his girlfriend(A goth girl who taught him how to use make-up) left him becasue she felt that his "Self-destructive habit was ruining their relationship.". He continued anways. But ever since Grade 9, another new thought has come into his mind. Upon entering high school Recca was subjected to extreme amounts of bullying again. He hated it. It was like people were trying to make him snap and have to go to psychiatry again. This brought his feelings of hatred towards the human race even more. His new thought: Go on a School Shooting. Why? To kill off his tormentors and possibly save others from their acts of terror. Try to imagine this: Going to school and having to deal with the fact that everyone hate you. Thats how it made Recca feel. His depression and suicidal thoughts also began resurfacing. He spent more time in Grade 10 in the counselling office then in his classes. All because he was not "upto his genius' standards.". He was expected to be working at second year university Math, Physics and English. But his depression began showing. He stopped doing homework. Gave up on life entirely. Finally in Grade 11, Recca made a cry for help. He sent an email to a few good friends. One female(She knew him since grade 2 and they had been best of friends ever since. She also had to deal with problems involving psychiatry.), A skinny male(A newer friend but he has insight beyond his years. He can understand people has he is an eiderteker. He can put himself in your position and use his imagination to simulate your life and problems.) the last friend was a large male(He was at Recca's frist birthday. They were seperate during elementary school but in the first year of highschool they made up all the missed time). His replies flooded in. Offering him advice and comfort. It was just what Recca's tender ego needed. But it didn't last long. The bullying at school got more severe. He noticed that some people in his group of friends hated him. One girl even went to the extent of constantly yelling, bitching and telling him how much she wished he was dead. Along with that, a few people managed to see his cut marks. They automatically associated it with the "Emo" image of his. This "Emo" image was created because he wears eyeliner, black nailpolish, chains, a collar and armwarmers. People refused to believe he was normal. Even though normal was a relative term. Recca didn't even listen to emo music. He listens to Rave/Techno. But because of his appearance and the fact that he cuts his wrists, people automatically assume he is emo. They won't listen to him, as much as he tells them its just cause he is masochistic. They all have a hate on him. Some people even tried to bring it up to a teacher say that his cutting was a "Pathetic Cry for Help". That about brings us up to the present. Recca is getting ready to go out. He managed to get tickets to a play at the school. Silently he is hoping the girl he likes is there and is also hoping that his life takes a turn for the better...
To be continued...